Indonesia’s Leading Shrimp Aquaculture Company

Delta Marine is a sustainable shrimp aquaculture and trading company that handles high-quality shrimps and makes it accessible to both the local and global market.




& tiger prawn


Focuses exclusively
on Vannamei Shrimp

the best production system & continuous innovation

In aquaculture business, we have wholesome knowledge and experiences from the upstream (nursery, and cultivation) to the downstream (trading to processing plant) and distribution all over Indonesia. The well-maintained natural and controlled environment enables us to perform ongoing monitoring programs to continuously improve and provide the best quality of shrimp commodities.

Behind Delta Marine

Family with Mutual Passion in Business & Environment

Mr. Soedarman

Founder, Commissioner

Established Delta Marine Indonesia in the 80s, beginning from a small-scale enterprise working on shrimp trading.

Mrs. Anita

Founder, CFO

Together with Mr. Soedarman they develop Delta Marine Group from the ground-up.

Mr. Rizky Darmawan


Managing Delta Marine Group Aquaculture Operation and Business Development.

Ms. Cynthia


Managing Delta Marine Group
Trading and Businesses Operation.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

To become a globally integrated aquaculture company.

Our Mission

Continuous development in aquaculture science and technology.

Ensuring welfare and development of our human resources community.

Maintaining business & environmental sustainability.

Delta Marine has managed to provide the best shrimp for 40 years.

As the biggest supplier and distributor in Indonesia, we consistently maintain our credibility through commitment and quality provided. For decades, we have been delivering our service and commodities to various manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors in the domestic and international market.

We have managed to achieve certification from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, namely:

01 /

“Good Handling Practice”
In The Supplier (CBIP)

02 /

“Good Aquaculture Practice”

Maintaining a sustainable aquaculture production for generations.

We are committed to operate responsibly at every level, be it looking after the commodity, to the environment, and supporting our communities.

One thing that we do to maintain the wetland ecosystems is to conserve mangrove forest surrounding our properties. A lush mangrove forest helps provide nutritious water for the ecosystem and the organism that is essential for our production. We believe that maintaining our natural environment will protect the continuation of good water resources, and thus, ensure our production of high-quality commodity products for years to come.

We are currently in the process of arranging solar panels and going towards a zero-carbon emission in our production plant.

Delta Marine also contributes to achieve the United Nations 8 Sustainable Development Goals, namely:



Our Group

PT. Ray Delta Mandiri

CV. Delta Marine

PT. Joyoboyo Tirta Abadi
(Ice Manufacturer)

PT. Indo Nautilus Pharma

PT. Delta Marine Indonesia
(Aquaculture Farm)

PT. Aman Damai Djajamakmur
(Aquaculture Farm)

PT. Arca Aqua Culture
(Aquaculture Farm)

PT. Sukses Era Raja Udang
(Aquaculture Farm)

PT. Sentra Bahari Belitung
(Aquaculture Farm)

PT. Mitradelta Bahari Pratama
(Aquaculture Farm)

Our Partners

Shrimp Club Indonesia

Petambak Muda Indonesia

Anva Jacop Ltd.

PT. Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk

PT. Suri Tani Pemuka (JAPFA)

Centra Proteina Prima


PT. Prima Larvae Bali

PT. Mega Marine Pride

PT. Panca Mitra Multiperdana Tbk

PT. Winaros Kawula Bahari

PT. Grahamakmur Ciptapratama

PT. First Marine Seafoods

PT. Bumi Menara Internusa

PT. Sekar Bumi Tbk.

PT. Misaja Mitra


Jl. Monginsidi 58, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia 61218
+62 31 896 8811